🔄How to use <<Convert>>

  1. To begin with, click on <<Convert>> feature.

  1. Once you click on <<Convert>> this screen shown on the pic will appear. You can choose between <<Market>> order or <<Limit>> order.

<<Market>> order 💱

Convert=> Market order tutorial

1️⃣Use the drop-down menu to choose a token pair for your swap.

2️⃣If you desire, you can use the arrow button between the tokens to switch the direction of your swap (from <=> to)

3️⃣ Here is possible to use the numeric input, to choose the amount of tokens you want to swap. Suppose you edit the input or the output value, in that case, the AMM (Automated Market Maker) will update the other value to the corresponding amount based on the current price of the targeted token. If you input an amount superior to the amount you hold in your wallet, the message Insufficient Balance will appear.

4️⃣If you desire to swap all of the tokens you hold, simply click the MAX button. This way, you will choose the maximum amount of tokens you have available in your connected wallet.

5️⃣In this part, you will be able to see the current balance of each token that is currently in your wallet.

6️⃣ If you want to adjust your swap settings, you can click on the <<gear>> icon in the top right corner of the window. From there, you can choose how much price variation you're okay with (slippage tolerance).

7️⃣Once you have chosen your tokens and token amounts, the button <<Swap>> will appear. Press it and let's move to the next step!

On the <<Confirm order>> screen is possible to see info such as a) token pair that is being swapped, b) transaction fee, and c) order type.

Be attentive to the fact that the amount and price of the order may be adjusted due to slippage which in ION is minimized (as mentioned on <<Market Order tutorial>> above).

Last updated